‘Smartphones on Wheels' Draw Attention From Regulators
·1 min
In the realm of technology, cars are transforming from symbols of freedom and privacy into potential instruments of surveillance. With their multitude of sensors, cameras, and internet connectivity, modern cars are capable of collecting and sharing vast amounts of personal data without drivers’ full understanding. Concerned about the potential threats to privacy, two US senators have recently urged the Federal Trade Commission to investigate automakers’ sharing of drivers’ location information with the police, calling it a serious risk to Americans’ privacy. This heightened attention from lawmakers and regulators comes amidst increasing government scrutiny of the car industry’s technological advancements. For instance, investigators have discovered that consumers often don’t fully comprehend the capabilities of autonomous driving features, which can compromise safety. Furthermore, there are efforts to regulate mobile car apps to prevent stalking and harassment, including proposed regulations by the Federal Communications Commission and potential laws in California. These measures aim to protect victims by restricting abusers’ remote access to their cars.